Category 24h

217 Rearch results for "24h"

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News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship GIS

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship GIS. The 2019 IAU 24H World Championships will take place on 26th – 27th October in Albi, France. We would like to use this opportunity and share with you the General Information Sheet together will information about hotels (map) and race course. Please note that the course will be finally measured in May.

News: 30 November 2020

2020 Soochow International Ultramarathon Webinar

To cope with COVID-19 the 2020 Soochow International Ultramarathon, the 20th anniversary of the event, shall be transformed into an online seminar covering topics of ultra-marathon related research and How under the current pandemic we can best manage our health in mental, physical, and social aspects.

News: 14 September 2020

Lupatotissima 2020

FIDAL National and Master 24H Championship in Bussolengo (Verona) on September 19th - 20th 2020 updates

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