Third Virtual IAU Executive Council Meeting – July 18th 2021
On July 18th, 2021 the IAU Executive Council has another virtual meeting. There were several points discussed over the productive two and half hour meeting.
The meeting opened with the Executive Committee members giving a synopsis of the current Covid-19 situation in their individual countries and regions. These all affect the levels of competition both nationally and internationally.
- With this background the key topics discussed were
- Off-season activities – the opportunity to review and improve various aspects of the IAU infrastructure and guidelines.
- Communication features for cohesive IAU EC and committees working and identification.
- Update on records and labelling activities – revised processes to be announced soon.
- Updates from regions and further development of regional structure
- Future Championships updates – July 31st deadline for full bids for new championships approaching.
- Feedback from Athletes Commission meeting
- Decision on 2022 IAU 24H European Championship – already announced.
The next IAU Council meeting will take place in next 4-5 weeks’ time
IAU Executive Council
July 24th, 2021