
Documents, forms, logos and more to download

IAU Membership Package

IAU Membership is available to any National Athletic Federation (World Athletics Member) or to a National Ultrarunning Association, recognised by the WA Member and authorised by the WA Member to become an IAU Member. 

Documents for Continental Championships Americas

Please find the bid documents for Continental Championships Americas  (Documents as an example)

Championships (MIAUC) guidelines

Every organiser who´s planning to organise a Major IAU Competition has to follow the IAU regulation in this regard. For LOC’s who would like to organize, it is important to know how to make a bid and also to know how an Event Organisation Agreement (EOA) looks like. All documents can be find in this download section. There are specific Organisational requirements/needs if you´re hosting a group of 300-350 people. There are as well specific Technical regulations to follow in order to control the race in the best circumstances. The Opening & Closing Ceremony are under the control of the IAU Director of Protocol and his guidelines. To inform all participants about the coming event, a GIS (General Information Sheet) must be send out, together with the invitation letters. Also this GIS must follow a certain format.

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

IAU Logo

The IAU has logo´s available for download. The IAU logo can only be used with the permission of the IAU. 
Publishing the IAU logo can only under certain conditions. It is necessary to use the correct logo in the correct cicumstances and in the desired format.

World Best Performances

Running faster or further than the existing World/Area Best Performance and/or Record doesn´t mean automatic that the runner set a new WBP or record. The IAU defined very clear what the conditions must be before a new WBP or record can be ratified. The IAU Record Committee is investigating all applications to find out if they are acceptable or not. Only then the IAU Executive Council can decide to ratify the claim or not. For more detials including Application Form please refer to our Rankings and Records website

IAU Power Point Presentation Template



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