Rankings & Records

Rankings and records for our disciplines. Guidelines and Applications


Our record committee has created a record table, which you can find below.

Records under ratification process

Please find below IAU WORLD RECORDS GUIDELINE that will become effective as of January 1st, 2022.

IAU World Best Performances (WBP) and World Age Best Performances (WABP)

End of 2014 the list of WBP/WABP for the 3 surfaces road/track/indoor will be frozen. Beginning with January 2015 a combined list will be created which contains the best performance per age group and discipline, no matter what surface it was achieved on. This document gives some reasons for this decision.

Application Form

Please provide all documents in digital format. Acceptable formats are Word (.doc/docx), Excel (.xls/xlsx), PDF, Text, HTML, images (jpg, png, gif). Paper with signatures should be scanned to PDF format. All documents should be emailed to records@iau-ultramarathon.org


IAU Records Committee


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