Category Championships

432 Rearch results for "Championships"

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News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship announcement

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship announcement. We are very pleased to announce that the 2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championships was granted to Aqaba, Jordan. The Championships will take place on 22nd or 23rd November 2019 (final date to be confirmed).

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship � FEF completed

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship – FEF completed. We are getting closer to 2019 IAU 24H World Championships that will take place in Abli, France. The Final Entry Forms were provided by Member Federations to the LOC, this means we can now share some interesting facts.

News: 30 June 2020

Uncertainty 100km

Uncertainity About 100km World Championships This Year. We wanted to let our readers know the latest on the 100km World Championships this year.

News: 1 November 2020

Jan Vandendriessche retires from the IAU Executive Council

Jan Vandendriessche retires from the IAU Executive Council We would like to inform you that after more than 16 years of service for IAU Jan Vandendriessche decided to retire from his position as IAU director due to personal reasons. His decision will be effective as of November 1st 2020.

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