Category iau
873 Rearch results for "iau"
Peter Leisted Bøgevig passed away
Peter Leisted Bøgevig passed away. It is with great sadness that we have to inform you about loss of Peter Leisted Bogevig due to short and sudden illness.
The IAU 6hrs Nordic Challenge cancelled
The IAU 6hrs Nordic Challenge cancelled
World Age Best Performances
Ultra World Best Performances and World Age Best Performances. The lists of ultradistance World Best Performances and World Age Best Performances have recently been updated.
Venue for the 100km World Championships 2014 announced!
Venue for the 100km World Championships 2014 announced!The 100km World Championships 2014 is going to take place in Doha, Qatar on Nov 28th.
IAU response to disturbance
IAU response to disturbance caused by Management in Winschoten. IAU has offiicially formatted their response in reference to the disturance caused by the management of the Russian Federation.
Vrajic in Rio
Vrajic running in the Olympics Marathon. Current IAU World Championships 50km silver medalist and 100km bronze medalist Marija Vrajic (CRO) will be toeing the line at the Rio Olympics marathon on Sunday.
IAU 100K World and European Championships
IAU 100K World and European Championships Winschoten, Nederlands 12th September 2015Full classified Results now available. The LOC have worked hard to provide the full classified results which are now available both on this website and on the Run Winschoten website.
IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Run Italy
Italy Team results
2016 24H Asia & Oceania Championships
IAU 24H Asia and Oceania Championships, Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei, 19/20th November 2016. We have just sent out the invitations our Asia and Oceania federations for the IAU 24H Asian Oceania Championships which will take place in Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei on 19th and 20th November 2016.