Category iau

826 Rearch results for "iau"

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News: 30 June 2020

IAU 24H World Championships

IAU 24H World and European Championships, Turin, 11/12th April 2015. List of athletes.The list you have been waiting for! Please find attached the list of athletes participating in the IAU 24H World and European Championships.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 5th Trail World Championships

IAU 5th Trail World Championships, Annecy, France. 30th May 2015 Results and IAAF Report. The results for both the men and women’s Individual Championships and for the men and women’s teams Championships are attached below. They have been checked and agreed with the IAU and FFA but are currently still termed provisional as they are timed at 20.00 30th May and a few runners were still out on the route. There is also an excellent report of the race on the IAAF website.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 100K World Championships

IAU 100K World Championships Doha, Qatar. 21st November 2014 - Athletes list. We are now publishing the current list of athletes and team management participating in the IAU 100K World Championships as proposed by the IAU Member Federations.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU World Championships

IAU 24H World and European Championships Turin, Italy 12H update. Turin, with a metropolitan population of 2.2 million, is the location of the world famous Sindone di Torino or the Shroud of Turin. There are many visitors to see this phenomenon, more than the number of spectators watching a 24 hour world championship race.

News: 30 June 2020

Media Report IAU 24 Hour World Championships

Hara and Nagy top runners at the 11th IAU 24 Hour World Championships. The 11th edition of the 24 Hour World Championships takes place in Turin, Italy April 11-12th 2015. the race will also host the 20th European Championships.

News: 30 June 2020


IAU World Best Performance List updated and new arrangements for 2015+. The list of IAU world best performances has been updated and a document has been added which has been updated and a document has been added which details the rationale for combing all IAU WBP and WABPs ( road,track and indoor) into one list.

News: 30 June 2020

PEFs Winschoten

Preliminary Entry Forms for 100km World Champs. The Preliminary Entry Forms (PEF) for the 100km World Champs have steadily been coming in to the IAU.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 24H World Championships

IAU 24H World and European Championships, Turin, 11/12th April 2015. Update 28th March. Here is latest situation regarding the organization of the IAU 24H World and European Championships in Turin. Further information will be rolled out during the next days so ensure that the Federations/team managers keep an eye on the website for further news. FIDAL and the Italian Club CUS Torino together with the IAU will be doing our best to guarantee the best possible event. More below.

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