Category Comrades Marathon
18 Rearch results for "Comrades Marathon"
Sumie Inagaki Japan
April 30th 2024.
Sumie Inagaki is a runner representing Japan. Let's take a look at her amazing achievements.
2021 Centenary Comrades Marathon Cancelled
2021 Centenary Comrades Marathon Cancelled
Comrades Marathon is now an IAU Gold Label Race
Comrades Marathon is now an IAU Gold Label Race. It is our pleasure to share with you that the IAU Gold Label was granted to the Comrades Marathon. The Comrades Marathon is considered as one of the most prestigious events in the ultra-running community and the IAU Gold Label will help add a further sparkle to its dazzle.
100 Year Celebration for the Comrades Marathon
Historical milestones are rare in the world of sports. ... IAU would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Comrades Marathon "The Ultimate Human Race" on completing 100 years of existence.
IAU Career Award 2014
IAU Career Awards 2014 Recipients Announced. This year the IAU had initiated the an Annual Career Award dedciated for tireless ultrarunning enthusiasts who ahve worked long and hard to increase the profile of national and international ultrarunning.
IAU Athletic Commission - Chair and Vice-Chair
IAU Athletic Commission - Chair and Vice-Chair. The IAU is delighted to share that the Athletic Commission is growing and most important moving forward with the activities.