Category iau

873 Rearch results for "iau"

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News: 30 June 2020

2020 IAU 24 Hour Americas Championship announcement

2020 IAU 24 Hour Americas Championship announcement. We are very pleased to announce that the 2020 IAU 24H Americas Championships was granted to Termas de Río Hondo, near Santiago del Estero, a northern province of Argentina. The proposed date for the Championships is 16th – 17th May 2020. Termas de Río Hondo is a spa city in Santiago del Estero Province.

Ellie Greenwood (GBR)

Ellie Greenwood (GBR) finished 1st in the 24th IAU 100km World and European Championships in Gibraltar completing the race in 7:29:05

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship - start list

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship. On November 23rd the 2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championships will take place in Aqaba, Jordan. Jordan Athletic Federation is organizing the event. There are 5 Federation that will take part of the event (Australia, India, Japan, Jordan and Lebanon).

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU Trail World Championship � Athletes List

2019 IAU Trail World Championship – Athletes List. On June 8th 2019 the IAU Trail World Championship will take place in Mirandha do Corvo, Portugal. All the IAU Member Federations have been invited; registration completed.

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship � FEF completed

2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship – FEF completed. We are getting closer to 2019 IAU 24H World Championships that will take place in Abli, France. The Final Entry Forms were provided by Member Federations to the LOC, this means we can now share some interesting facts.

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship - GIS

2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship - GIS. The 2019 IAU 100 km Asia and Oceania Championship will take place in Aqaba, Jordan on 23th of November 2019. It’s the pleasure of the IAU, the LOC and the Jordan Athletics Federation, to invite your federation to send athletes to the above Championships in November 2019.

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