Category belgium
15 Rearch results for "belgium"
Belgium team results from 2021 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend
Belgium, team results from 2021 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend
Constitution, Congress and Election
All information on constitution, congress and election can be found here.
List of Member Federations
List of our member federations, including a link to their websites
An In-Depth chat with Malcolm Campbell, IAU Honourary President, about Ultrarunning: Past, Present & Future.
An In-Depth chat with Malcolm Campbell , IAU Honourary President, about Ultrarunning: Past, Present & Future.
Rankings 50km Trophy Final 2014
50km Trophy Series Final Rankings (July 2014). We have just concluded our Trophy Series that was being run over the last two years.
Cancellation of 24 Hour World Championships 2014
Cancellation of 2014 24 Hour IAU World Championships . It is with regret that the IAU must announce the cancellation of the 2014 24 Hour IAU World Championships. Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, the host organisers indicated that it would not be possible to continue with the event in 2014.
Suspension of Russian Federation
Suspension of Russian Federation. It was agreed that the IAU will follow IAAF Policy and maintain suspension of the Russian Federation.
Jan Vandendriessche retires from the IAU Executive Council
Jan Vandendriessche retires from the IAU Executive Council We would like to inform you that after more than 16 years of service for IAU Jan Vandendriessche decided to retire from his position as IAU director due to personal reasons. His decision will be effective as of November 1st 2020.