Category 24h
217 Rearch results for "24h"
2021 - 2024 IAU Championships current status and opening for bids
Federations are invited to work with Race Organisers and potential LOCs to send in any expressions of interest (EOI) for All IAU Championships that are "open for bids"
Continental Records
Continental Records Nadeem Khan, IAU President emphasize several times on having the opportunity to further develop ultra-running not only global but in the regions as well. The IAU Records Committee proposed new initiative to have continental records.
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship - Invitations
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship - Invitations. On behalf of the LOC, the FFA and IAU, we take great pleasure in inviting Member Federations to send athletes and teams to the IAU 24H World Championships 2019 which will be held in the historical town of Albi in France on October 26th-27th, 2019.
2nd IAU 100 km Americas Championship pre-race report
On July 27th the 2nd IAU 100 km Americas Championships will take place on the coast of Bertioga in Sao Paulo, Brazil. South America has never held an international ultra-distance championship so there is great excitement in the area.
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship � FEF completed
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship – FEF completed. We are getting closer to 2019 IAU 24H World Championships that will take place in Abli, France. The Final Entry Forms were provided by Member Federations to the LOC, this means we can now share some interesting facts.
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship Starting List
2019 IAU 24 Hour World Championship – updated starting list. Updated starting List for The Championships (version from 27 Sep 2019)
2019 IAU 24 H World Championship � Official Results
2019 IAU 24 H World Championship – Official Results. Camille Herron (USA) and Aleksandr Sorokin (LTH) are the 2019 IAU 24H World Champions. In the Team competition USA took gold for both Women and Men with combined distance of 746.132 km and 799.754 km respectively. For Camille Herron with 270.116 km it was the World Best Performance (awaiting ratification) and for Aleskandr Sorokin new National Best (awaiting ratification) with 278.972 km.
IAU 24H World Championship - behind the scenes
IAU 24H World Championship – behind the scenes. The 2019 IAU 24H World Championship recently culminated with fantastic results and record breaking performance from athletes all over the world.
Kokkola Ultra Run
Kokkola Ultra Run will take place in KOKKOLA on 2022-05-21