2016 Trail World Championships

2016 Trail World Championships GIS now published. Preparations for the 2016 Trail World Championships, an IAU Competition in conjunction with ITRA , is now well advanced so that we can now publish the General Information Sheet.

The race is the Trans Peneda-Geres event being held at Geres in Portugal on 29th October and we, with ITRA and the LOC, are publishing the GIS now so that Member Federations can start to plan early.

Preparations are going well and the GIS ( attached) gives a distinct flavour of the hospitality awaiting the athletes and the outstanding scenery they will be running through.

We will be sending out the invitations with the entry forms to Member Federations at the end of May/first week of June

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hilary Walker
IAU General Secretary.
11th May 2016


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