Site visit for the IAU 50km European Championships, in Sotillo de la Adrada, Avila, Spain
Last weekend (21-22 May 2022), an IAU official delegation consisting of Diana Amza – IAU Project Coordinator and Tamas Molnar – IAU Technical Delegate, traveled to Sotillo de la Adrada, in Avila, Spain to do the site visit for the IAU 50km European Championships that will take place on October 8th, 2022.
During the visit, the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) represented by Juan Pablo Martín Martín - Mayor of Sotillo de la Adrada, María Victoria González Blázquez - Vice-Major of Sotillo de la Adrada, Cristina Díaz Sánchez-Fuentes the Councilor for sports of Sotillo de la Adrada, Paco Rico - President of LOC and the IAU delegation worked together to go through every important aspect of the Championship: the competition course, the hotels, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies areas, the meals and transportation plan.
From left to right: Juan Pablo Martín Martín, Diana Amza, María Victoria González Blázquez, Cristina Díaz Sánchez-Fuentes, Tamas Molnar
The IAU delegation is very happy that the organization of the event is going according to plan and that the LOC is very committed to putting in place a good competition for the European athletes. Following the site visit, the General Information Sheet (GIS) will be prepared.
the course
Although Sotillo de la Adrada is a small community situated in the rural area of Spain, 1h30min drive from Madrid, seeing the involvement and dedication of the local authorities, we are confident that the event will be successful and that it will create the premises for organizing other future important events in rural areas across the world.
Diana Amza – IAU Project Coordinator
Tamas Molnar – IAU Technical Delegate