IAU Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend 20–21 March 2021 – invitation
The Global Solidarity Run was a resounding success last year. The global community has gone through several hardships last year. However, given the uphill challenge, the ultra community has stepped up and found ways to stay active and motivated. We wanted to highlight this and have designated the third weekend of March as the IAU Global Solidarity Weekend.
I encourage our federations to participate, if it is allowed under your local and health regulations, in this virtual event. Lets make history again and come together as one community... as one family to celebrate the IAU Global Solidarity weekend!
Nadeem Khan, IAU President
Please see the invitation for our IAU Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend which will take place on 20th/21st March 2021. It would be great if federation will encourage some of ultra distance athletes to take part as a sign of solidarity during these difficult times. There will be the Presidents Club again in this year event. Deadline for submission entry form by Federations is February 28th. The same process will apply as for the 2020 edition. More details is provided in the invitation letter. Please contact your Federation for more info about selection and registration process.
Jacek Bedkowski
IAU Director of Communication