2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon

The meaning of solidarity was manifested in the most wonderful way in the participation of the Lebanese team, as most of the team members are traveling outside Lebanon, but they ran in solidarity and unity, challenging travel and weather to participate with their fellow runners all over the world in this distinguished initiative organized by IAU. All of them broke their records in the same distance, Lebanese runners were so passionate and too excited to participate in the solidarity run organized by IAU on 18-19 March 2023. Four male runners and one female were part of this event roaming the streets of three countries for six hours of Happiness.

Their results were like below:

Male Runners

1 Hussein Lhaf 73.39 km
2 Ali Berjawi 66.75 km
3 Walid Zein 52.32 km
4 Ali Kedami 51.16 km


Female Runner

1 Kathia Rached 73.10 km


The team completed 316,72 km in total.


Ibrahim Abu Asbeh

IAU Communication Committee

2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon
2023 IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Weekend Lebanon

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