2022 IAU 6H Global Virtual Solidarity Weekend IAU Team

We are now sharing the results for the IAU Team. We as organization took part of the 2022 IAU Global Solidarity Weekend as well. We are very proud to do it again this year for the third time. We are small team, but we are located cross the World and want to join other teams in this great event. Hilary, Robert, Gregorio, Adiga and Jacek were part of the IAU Team and Nadeem joined the Presidents Club Team. As you can see, despite the fact that we are small team we still manage to do over 162 km and it si much more if you compare what we did in 2021 (140 km).



Walker Hilary 10.0 km



Boyce Robert 43.2 km
Bedkowski Jacek 45.9 km
Adiga Nagaraj 21.1 km
Zucchinali Gregorio 42.2 km


In total we did 162,4 km


Jacek Bedkowski

IAU Director of Communicaiton  

2022 IAU 6H Global Virtual Solidarity Weekend IAU Team

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