The IAU labelling system was introduced to ensure high quality of the event and at the same times meet technical aspects and follow international standards such as the race route is measured to conform to World Athletics (WA - formerly known as the IAAF) regulations as well as race history, athletes performance, recognition by its own national athletics federation and some other aspects. This effectively means that only athletic performances in IAU labelled races are officially recognized with respect of "Best Performances" results. In addition it is also for the calculations of any travel grants distributed at major IAU competitions.
The IAU Labels are categorised according to IAU Gold Label (G), IAU Silver Label (S) and IAU Bronze Label (B) for road races and one IAU Trail Label (TL). All label application has to fulfill respective requirements and most important they are free of charge.
Our aim is share with you on regular bases current status of Labels for running year and pending application. Please find attached the most recent list of races as of January 14th 2019. There are 110 Labelled Races, 4 Gold, 5 Silver, 14 Trail and 87 Bronze.
Races in yellow are under review (awaiting additional information), pending approval
Jan Vandendriessche Jacek Bedkowski