Category committee

256 Rearch results for "committee"

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News: 31 July 2020

IAU Website re-launch

In the last congress in 2018 we specifically mentioned that IAU Website is the starting point for all information and will remain our focus. This is why we were working on website redesign.

News: 30 November 2020

2020 Soochow International Ultramarathon Webinar

To cope with COVID-19 the 2020 Soochow International Ultramarathon, the 20th anniversary of the event, shall be transformed into an online seminar covering topics of ultra-marathon related research and How under the current pandemic we can best manage our health in mental, physical, and social aspects.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 24H Championships

IAU 24H European Championships, Albi, France 22/23 October 2016. RESULTS.Please find the results of the very successful 24H European Championships held this weekend below.

News: 30 June 2020

Gobi Ultramarathon GIS

Gobi Ultramarathon General Information Sheet. The Gobi 100km International Trail Race will be taking place on 25th September 2016.

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