Category committee
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2018 IAU 100K World Championship starting list
2018 IAU 100K World Championship Starting List. We are happy to share with you the starting list of registered Athletes for the 2018 IAU 100 km World Championship. The event will take place on September 8th in Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia.
Cancellation of 2019 IAU 24H World Championship in Irdning
Cancellation of 2019 IAU 24H World Championship at Irdning, Austria.We are very disappointed to have to announce the cancellation of the 24H World Championships at Irdning, Austria for 2019.
First IAU Technical Education
First IAU Technical Education. One of our main objectives is to promote and develop long distance running worldwide by encouraging specific activities in each of the IAAF Continental Areas. At the same time IAU is trying to give back to our ultra-running community as much as possible. This is why the IAU Technical Committee completed the First IAU Technical Education in Bertioga, Brazil. The course took place on July 25th during the 2nd IAU 100 km Americas Championship.10 participants from 5 countries attended this course. Successful completion of the face-to-face course is the opening for them to become the IAU Technical Delegate who will supervise the IAU Label competitions in Central and South America.
The mindset of high performers � seminar at 2018 IAU 24H EC in Timisoara
The mindset of high performers – seminar at 2018 IAU 24H EC in Timisoara. Get inspired and learn from the best ! LOC is happy to invite you on Thursday, May 24th, starting at 6 pm, at Timisoara Hotel for the seminar "The mindset of high performers". The seminar is part of the 2018 IAU 24-hour European Championships program.
statistics for 2018 Trail WC and 24H EC
IAU Trail WC and IAU 24 Hour EC preliminary race registration statisticsWe are approaching two of the IAU event schedule for the first half of 2018. On May 12th in Penyagolosa (Spain) we will take part of the IAU Trail World Championship and on May 26th-27th in Timisoara (Romania) the IAU 24 Hour European Championship. The preliminary registration is completed. Based on provided data we are delighted to let you know that we will have on both events a record number of enrolled countries and athletes.
2018 IAU Trail World Championships - Team Manual
2018 IAU Trail World Championships - Team Manual. We are getting closer to our first competition this year the IAU Trail World Championships. On May 12th 2018 the National Teams from around the World will gather together in Penyagolosa in Spain to take part of this event. We are happy to share with you the team manual for this event.
No IAU 50k c in 2018
No IAU 50K World Championship in 2018.It is with regret we have to announce that there will be no IAU 50K World Championship in 2018.
IAU 24H European Championship � participant list
IAU 24H European Championship - participants. We are getting closer to the IAU 24H European Championships. From May 26th till May 27th, 29 National Teams from Europe will gather together in Timisoara in Romania to take part of this event. We are happy to share with you the participant list for this event.
Chile joined IAU
Chile joined IAUIt is our great pleasure to welcome Chile as new IAU Member. All required documentation were signed and finalise. The Federation is looking forward to send athletes to IAU Trail World Championship that will take place in Penyagolosa, Spain.
2019 Trail World Championship announcement
2019 Trail World Championship announcement. IAU and ITRA are very pleased to announce that the 2019 Edition of the Trail World Championships will be held at Mirandha do Corvo in Portugal on June 8th 2019. It will be hosted by the Trilhos dos Abutres as the LOC with the Portuguese Athletic Federation. The National teams will be housed in Coimbra not far from the event site.