Category World Championships
335 Rearch results for "World Championships"
2022 IAU 24H European Championship excursions proposal
The LOC is sharing with you the excursions proposal in conjunction with the IAU 24H European Championships
IAU 24H Americas Championship - postponed
IAU 24H Americas Championship - postponed. Due to the current Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation in the Americas and globally, we have taken the decision with the LOC at this time to postpone the IAU 24 Hours Americas Championships to a later date.
IAU 24H World Championship - behind the scenes
IAU 24H World Championship – behind the scenes. The 2019 IAU 24H World Championship recently culminated with fantastic results and record breaking performance from athletes all over the world.
IAU 24H World Championships
12th IAU 24H World Championships, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1st July 2017 & 1st WMA 24H World Championships.Invitations have just been sent to all IAU Federations for the IAU 24H World Championships and we also announce with the WMA that the 1st WMA 24H World Championships will be held concurrently
2018 IAU Trail World Championship - participants
2018 IAU Trail World Championship - participantsWe are getting closer to our first competition this year the IAU Trail World Championships. On May 12th 2018 the National Teams from around the World will gather together in Penyagolosa in Spain to take part of this event. We are happy to share with you the full Competitor list for the 49 countries entering the Trail World Championships. There are 209 men and 142 women, in addition about 136 officials and supporters.
Trail World Championships
Trail World Championships 2017 Latest Update including Team Manual.. It is now only 15 days to the Trail World Championships in Badia Prataglia, Italy. We have publlished the list of athletes participating in these Championships and now the team manual is ready.
Post race article Trail World Champs 2017
Hernando and Roche win the 2017 Trail World Championships. Luis Alberto Hernando (ESP) and Adeline Roche (FRA) won the 2017 Trail World Championships. The event took place on June 10th in Badia Prataglia, Ital and was run over a 50km course. Both Hernando and Roche took their respective teams to the top of the podium in the team competition.
Final results Belfast 24H WC
(Update August 18) Final results file for the IAU 24H World Championships, Belfast