Category IAU
873 Rearch results for "IAU"
IAU Podcast
IAU Podcast Following growing expectations and development on IAU social platforms we are very happy to share with you IAU Podcast. More than any other content format podcasting is the type of content you can consume while also doing something else. That’s why we are sharing this platform with you.
Continental Records � provisional list of records
Continental Records – provisional list of records. Following on from our last communication on Continental Records we would like to take a step forward and share with you the outcome of the work done so far on this initiative. As communicated earlier the goal is to absolute the Continental Records for 24H, 50K and 100K ensuring that they are all up to date. We as an organization believe that this is a great opportunity to further develop ultra-running not only globally but also in the localized regions.
IAU 6H Virtual Global Solidarity Run Philippines
Philippines Team results
2021 IAU Virtual Congress Minutes
2021 IAU Virtual Congress draft minutes
Condolences to the families and the ultrarunning community in China
We on the IAU Council and the greater IAU family send our deepest condolences to the families and the ultrarunning community in China
Hilary Walker