Category Hilary Walker

145 Rearch results for "Hilary Walker"

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News: 30 June 2020

IAU Annual Report

IAU Annual Report to the IAAF covering IAU activities last year and future developments Dirk Strumane will be presenting the IAU Annual report to the IAAF Road Running Commission at the end of March and we are announcing some developments we discussed recently at our meeting in Monaco.

News: 30 June 2020

2016 IAU 24H European Championships

2016 IAU 24H European Championships GIS now published. The next 24 Hour European Championships is taking place. in Albi, France on 22nd-23rd October 2016. Preparations are advancing well and the GIS is now published

News: 30 June 2020

2016 Trail World Championships

2016 Trail World Championships GIS now published. Preparations for the 2016 Trail World Championships, an IAU Competition in conjunction with ITRA , is now well advanced so that we can now publish the General Information Sheet.

News: 30 June 2020

2018 Congress

2018 Congress. Sveti Martin, Croatia. September 7th 2018. Update on Agenda and EC Nominations.All the IAU Member Federations have just been circulated with the draft agenda and the final list of nominations for the Executive Council positions open for election.

News: 30 June 2020

Trail World Championships

Trail World Championships 10th June 2017 Bib Nos. Start list & some live coverage links....The start list is now published with bib numbers and there are links to some in depth competition previews.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 100K World Championships

IAU & WMA 100K World Championships, Sveti Martin. Croatia 8th September 2018. GIS published. All the IAU Member Federations have just been sent the invitations, entry forms and general information for the IAU & WMA 100K World Championships. September 8th in Croatia.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU Championships 2019-2021

IAU Championships 2019-2021 Bid are open.. Bids to hold IAU Championships are still open for a number of IAU Championships and we are looking forward for the period to 2021.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU Congress

IAU Congress and Mid Term Elections 2018. Update. All IAU Federations have just received an updated letter with the list of nominations for IAU President and the resultant vacancies for other IAU Executive Council Vacancies

News: 30 June 2020

2018 Trail World Championships

2018 Trail World Championships Penyagolosa/Castellon, Spain 12th May.. The IAU with ITRA and the Penyagolosa LOC are publishing the General Information Sheet today for the Trail World Championships on 12th May 2018

News: 30 June 2020

site visit to Sveti Martin, Croatia - nov 2017

2018 IAU 100K World Championships - site visit The site visit to Sveti Martin, Croatia the host of the IAU 100 km World Championships (September 2018) took place on the last days of November. Paco Rico, Technical Delegate for the event and Nadeem Khan, IAU Vice President were there for a two-day visit.

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