Category Germany

61 Rearch results for "Germany"

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News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 50 Km World Championship � race-report

2019 IAU 50 Km World Championship – race-report. The 50KM World Championships took place on September 1, 2019 in the Braşov city in Romania and was organized by the IAU, together with the Romanian Athletics Federation, with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, the City Hall of Brașov, the Prefecture of Braşov and the Brașov County Council.

News: 30 June 2020

Interviews - Thursday

Interviews. I had a chance to do several interviews on my first day on Sep 6th at the 2018 IAU 100 km World Championship. You can see all of them here.

News: 30 June 2020

2019 IAU 24 H World Championship � provisional results

2019 IAU 24 H World Championship – provisional results. The 2019 IAU 24H World Championships took place on 26th – 27th October in Albi, France. It was the biggest championship so far with recorded 45 Member Federation participated in the event. Camille Herron from USA (270,116 km – World Best Performance) and Aleksandr Sorokin from Lithuania (278,973– Lithuanian Best Performance) won the Championship. USA took gold for both Women and Men Team Championships.

Result pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

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