Category 24h

217 Rearch results for "24h"

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News: 30 June 2020

IAU Asian & Oceania 24H Championships

2016 IAU 24H Asia / Oceania Championships, Kaohsiung, TPE November 19/20 2016 Athletes List. & link to race updates Our Championships are coming up thick and fast at the moment. Next weekend is the Asia and Oceania 24H Championships in Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei.

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 24H World Championships

12th IAU 24H World Championships, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1st July 2017 & 1st WMA 24H World Championships.Invitations have just been sent to all IAU Federations for the IAU 24H World Championships and we also announce with the WMA that the 1st WMA 24H World Championships will be held concurrently

Peter van Wijngaarden (NED)

Peter van Wijngaarden is an ophthalmologist and medical scientist based in Melbourne Australia. In this podcast he talks about his introduction to the sport of ultra running

News: 30 June 2020

IAU 24H World Championships final

Final Classified Results for IAU 24H World Championships 1st-2nd July 2017 Belfast. The final results for the IAU 24H World Championships are now complete and signed off by the LOC, Referee and Jury of Appeal. The details are below

News: 30 June 2020

Live Updates Albi 2016

Live Updates IAU 24 Hour European Championships. This will be your location for Live Updates. Updated frequently!

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