Category 2022
156 Rearch results for "2022"
The application form to add events to the IAU Calendar is working
Following our communication form April 14th regarding our issue with calendar entry form we are very happy to inform you that the form is back to operation and it’s working correctly.
Ala Baydoun Jordan
Ala Baydoun. I'm 38 years old. I work for the World Health Organization. I'm so passionate about running, health and nature.
2022 IAU 24H Americas Championships change of the event date
New date for the 2022 IAU 24 Americas Championship. the championship will take place on November 12th-13th 2022.
2023 - 2025 IAU Championships bidding procedure
Federations are invited to work with Race Organisers and potential LOCs to send in any expressions of interest (EOI) for any IAU Championships that are open for bids.